“My name is Jharrel, I’m a blogger on TheNewdBlog.com. I’m here in college and I’m really excited about the upcoming stuff on The
Today’s the day. Zayvion walks into his dorm room carrying the last box of his belongings as he moves into his dorm room. He unpacks some of the items on the bed and stops to take a deep breath. Then he walk back out to the common area to hug his mom and say goodbye as she has to drive back for work. Exhausted from a long day of moving, Zay clears off a space on the bed and lays back to just relax for a moment. His rest didn’t last long as he heard a knock on the door. Zay reluctantly walks to the door and opens it just enough to stick his head out of it. He looks through the crack and sees a guy standing at the door.
“Hey, are u Zayvion?” the guy says.
“Yeah,” Zay responds.
“I’m your roommate Jayyo,” Jayyo tells Zay.
“You the basketball player?” Zay asks.
“Wrong dorm freshman! This is the upperclassmen dorm. You are supposed to be with the freshman. How did you end up in the in here anyways?” Jayyo said firing back.
“Luck I guess, this dorm is way nicer than the freshman dorm,” Zay answers back.
“Well, it’s all good. I’m a gamer so when I ain’t studying and shit I’m prob in the game or streaming or something. You can come check me out if you want.” Jayyo tells Zay.
“Maybe a little later,” Zay responds.
“Oh… We’re going to link up at the Cum Bucket. If you need anything let me know… Z-Man” Jayyo tells Zay in a joking way.
“Alright it was nice meeting you,” Zay tells Jayyo as he closes the door.
Zay walks back into the room and opens the closet door and looks at how big the closet is. He begins to unbutton his blue plaid button-up shirt and hangs it in the closet. Then steps out of his jeans, leaving him wearing just the boxers that his parents bought him. He hangs his jeans up in the closet and then closes the door. Now in just his boxers, he turns and faces the bed. He saw a painting he made as a kid. It reminds him of good times when he was younger. Zay picks up the painting and places it on the window ledge. After putting a few items away, Zay heard the buzzing sound of his phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and noticed it was his dad.
“Hey Dad!” Zay said answering the phone.
“Zayvion I called your mom to get your number, she told me you moved into your dorm today and I just wanted to check on you,” Dad responded.
“Okay,” Zay said.
“I know I haven’t been there for you the way you wanted but I always cared for you. I wish I had some money to send you but I’m kinda broke right now,” Dad responded.
“Okay,” Zay said.
“My boy, it’s crazy. 18 years ago when you were my first born My son is going off to college. I just wanted to tell you your old man is so proud of you.” Dad responded.
“Thanks,” Zay said.
“I know your anxiety flares up at times but don’t sit in your room all day and try to make new friends. You on campus too its gonna be a lot of girls out there but don’t let them fast girls get you in trouble,” Dad advises Zay.
“Okay,” Zay said.
“You know I went to school for media production I wish I would have finished. Stay focused on your books You gonna be someone important one day,” Dad responded.
“Okay,” Zay said.
“Son I love you, I got to go, imma check up on you, alright!” Dad said.
“Alright,” Zay responds.
“Your whole family is proud of you. I gotta go,” Zay’s dad said just before hanging up the phone.
Zay leans back against the wall with the sunlight shining favorably on him. He smiles to himself. Life finally feels like it is going his way. His parents are proud of him. He is off to college. He isn’t gonna let anxiety and mental health run his life anymore. Zay’s emotions explode as he gets on the bed and jumps for joy. He finally made it.
ewd Blog.”
That’s Jharrel. He is back for another school year at UCUM, a university in Florida. Jharrel is working toward his degree in media and communication. To get more experience, he started blogging and doing photography for TheNewdBlog. Jharrel’s best friend is Danga, who is also a NewdCreator. They have formed an interesting relationship. I would tell you but I’ll just let Jharrel do that.
“When I first met Dagna it was fun, it was crazy though, but a lot of work had to get done and I was excited about the stuff that was going on the website.”
Okay, Jharrel is being modest. Jharrel is a nice guy who rarely meets another guy he doesn’t like. Jharrel had a major crush on Danga until he saw Danga’s large package in person, then everything changed.
People ask me how come we don’t date each other. Danga is a great guy but when we first met I saw his giant horse cock and “my mouth was like what like, what the fuck. That big ass monster ass cock, like, I don’t know if I could take that because I want fuckin insides, my walls, cause shit I don’t want my body fucked up cause that big ass horse cock. That’s fuckin crazy man, I never seen a dick that big.”
Today, Danga and Jharrel were sitting at a table on campus. When they see a cute guy walking toward them.
“Look at that cute, light-skinned dude over there. I bet money he walks over here,” Danga tells Jharrel.
“You are always trying to bet someone. You think just because your dick is big everybody wants you,” Jharrel responds.
“You know you want some too,” Danga jokes with Jharrel.
“No thank you, yo dick way too big, you will fuck yourself before you fuck me with that,” Jharrel responded in a sarcastic way.
“Funny, I haven’t fucked myself in a while,” Danga laughed.
“What!!!” Jharrel said shocked.
Danga thinks back to when he was younger and he used to take his long dick and slide it in his tight ass. Danga used to experiment a lot when he was younger and his hormones were raging.
Danga snapped back as the guy walked over to the table.
“Excuse me, my name is Kahlil, do you fellas know where the campus bookstore is?” Khalil said.
“I told ya, you owe me,” Danga said to Jharrel making him roll his eyes.
“You must not be from here,” Jharrel responded.
“Naw, I’m from California, this is my first week on campus,” Khalil said.
“You a football player or something,” Danga asks.
“Yeah, I am, how you know?” Khalil responded.
“Cuz I saw your ass when you walked up here,” Danga mumbled while his eyes glanced at Khalil’s backside.
“Danga, stop it!” Jharrel said, nudging Danga, “the book store is near the center of campus but it’s hard to find cause it’s cramped between a cafe and the admission office. Do you want me to show you?”
Khalil responded, “If you don’t mind, sure.”
Jharrel stood up from the table and started walking with Khalil toward the bookstore, leaving Danga behind.
As they walk away, Danga admires Khalil’s ass. Danga doesn’t discriminate and like all body types, but he really have an appreciation for thick muscular athletes with a nice bubble butt. He leans back and starts to imagine the things he would do with a sexy football player like Khalil.
“So, how do you like it here so far? I know it’s different from California.” Jharrel asked.
“I mean, the weather is the same except it rains a lot here. I miss my girlfriend but other than that everything is cool.” Khalil responded.
“Awww, you miss your girlfriend. Yall trying to do the long-distance?” Jharrel questioned.
“I don’t know. We pretty much dated all of high school, but I got a scholarship here and she went to school in Arizona, but there are some things you can’t do long distance.” Khalil said.
“I understand, everybody likes to feel body contact and to be touched, especially when you’re dating someone,” Jharrel said.
“You just don’t know this girl is bomb as fuck, cute face, thick ass, just the look of her would make you want to jizz your pants,” Khalil said.
“Jizz your pants,” Jharrel laughs. “Yeah, you definitely are not from here. But since you’re a thousand miles away from your girl, it looks like you’re going to be a handyman.” Jharrel said while moving his hands up and down like he was jacking off.
“Oh gosh, that’s definitely going to be a problem,” Khalil responded, sounding sad.
“Speaking about jizz, bruh, what the fuck is that,” Jharrel said nudging Khalil in the arm and pointing to the right. There is a guy in a red shirt sitting on the bench in the dugout of the baseball field masturbating.
“That’s wild, in broad daylight too,” Khalil responded. “I swear Florida dudes just don’t care.”
“I guess they named this college UCUM for a reason,” Jharrel said laughing.
“But hey, we’re here at the bookstore. Let me see your phone.” Jharrel reached his hand out and Khalil handed over his phone. “I’m texting my number from your phone. If you ever wanna hang out or need help with your problem, text me alright!”
” No doubt thanks for showing me the bookstore, I’ll text you when I get settled in,” Khalil said while walking into the store.
Right before Khalil walks into the store he bumps into another guy.
“Hmm, do you know them?” a random guy asked Khalil.
“Not really, they just helped me find the bookstore, you know him?” Khalil asked.
“He be hanging out with this wanna-be porn star,” the guy said, “I’m warning you they ain’t nothing but trouble.”
“You had a bad experience?” Khalil asked.
“Nooooo, I would never hang out with guys like them. I just heard that he got a 13-inch dick and he be posting nasty pictures and videos on his Only Fans and the girl was fainting over him.”
“13 inches! Ain’t no way!”
“Exactly they be lying, my name is Montie by the way,” Montie said while shaking Khalil’s hand.
“I’m Khalil, I guess I’ll be seeing you around,” Khalil said as he turned and walked into the admissions office.
Jharrel walked back to his dorm where he noticed Danga was already in the shower. Jharrel strips his clothes and lays, completely naked, across the bed. After 10 minutes, Danga exits the bathroom completely naked.
“Hey Danga, can you give me a massage?” Jharrel asks, sounding like he is tired.
Danga’s long 9-inch soft dick swings side to side. As he walks around the bed, he grabs a bottle of lotion then climbs up on the bed, and straddles Jharrel backside.
Danga rubbed some lotion on his hands and started massaging Jharrel’s back, legs, and buttocks.
Jharrel begins to relax as Danga continues his massage until Jharrel fell asleep.